I successfully completed another semester of my college career and went home to celebrate Christmas. Before I left I went t my roommate Bryn's wedding reception. That is the first big change of my semester. She was married in the Logan temple on December. A bunch of us got together and went to the reception in Payson that night. It was fun to see Bryn and Tyler but weird to be saying goodbye to my roommate. We are all getting older and changing. Bryn is the first one of us to get married.
Congratulations Bryn and Tyler!Before actually getting to go home there was a big
snow storm in Maryland. This made my flight get delayed by
2 days. I was frustrated but it actually worked out. I got to take my friends to the airport and I got to spend the day with the Coulters. I got to meet little Zachary for the first time. He is so Cute! I just wanted to hold him the whole time I was there. Jackson and Tyler are getting so big. I hadn't seen them in a while and they both have to cutest personalities. It was a fun day and it helped me take my mind off of not going home.
My next big change was my bedroom. While I was away this semester my mom redid my bedroom. She said that since I was getting older I deserved a "Big Girl" room. So she painted it and bought me some new really cool stuff to decorate it. Here are the before and after pictures.




I absolutely love my new room. My Mom did a great job. It suits me perfectly.
The next change that I had over the break was that I got my
Hair cut. I got alot of it cut actually. Probably about 6 or 7 inches. It is very different but I love it. It is so much easier to take care of and I can get ready so much faster in the morning.
I didn't take an actual before picture but here is what it looked like after I was done:

Me and my G-Ma!
Overall, It was a great break. I had a bunch of changes and am excited for the new semester. After this semester, only 2 more and I graduate! Can you believe it? I know I can't.