Saturday, December 6, 2008

Temple Square Trip

So today we planned a trip to Salt Lake to go christmas shopping and see temple square all lit up for Christmas. I am making dinner tomorrow night so I decided to try and get some of it made before we left for Salt Lake. My roommates asked if they could help me do anything so I gave them a couple of easy jobs. Alyssa was making the chicken and I asked Bryn to open a little can of cream of chicken soup. I even gave her the cans with the pop tops. Next thing I know, Bryn is screaming and blood is gushing out of her finger... Long story short: 1 hour later, a trip to urgent care, and three stitches then we are off to Salt Lake!

Her battle wound from performing the easiest task in the kitchen!

While we were in Salt Lake BYU was playing USU in basketball. BYU won, of course! We didn't go to the game but we loved the lights outside of the Energy Solutions Arena!

Aren't we so cute!!

Temple Square was packed but the lights were awesome. It was so pretty!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The LA Temple :)

On a wall in our living room we have a picture of every roommate's hometown temple. I have always seen Erin's temple on the wall but today I got to see it in person. It was absolutely gorgeous! We got there at the perfect time when the sun was going down. Erin's mom had me take some Family pictures of them in front of the temple. They kinda liked doing it, but not really! It was fun, I was really glad I got to see it!

The LA Temple

A FAILED jumping picture!

Taylor is so goofy!

Aww.... look at us wearing our new Target shoes!

My Feet Were in The Pacific Ocean!!

Erin's brother's went Black friday shopping while me and Erin slept in and went to the beach. Of course we stopped at Target to get some shoes but other than that we tried to stay away from the crazy shoppers!
I got to see the Pacific ocean today. It was a beautiful drive on the way there. We passed lots of huge houses. The west coast is much different than the east coast.

What a way to see something new than with your close friend!!

Yep! That's my feet in the pacific Ocean

It was a beautiful day! Much nicer than the Provo weather.....

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have had so much fun in California! Erin has been showing me all around her hometown. We saw a street called Patricia and it made me think of my G-Ma so I took a picture!

After we got to California I went with Erin to pick up her friend Sammy from UC Santa Barbara! It was fun cause we got to drive along the coast to get there. We hit lots of traffic but we had fun. Me and Erin were exhausted since we had just drove 10 hours from Provo yesterday! But, we brought Sam's little sister with us and she kept us entertained.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Road Trip to Cali!

Today we road tripped to California for Thanksgiving break! We had so much fun. On our way we took two friends to St. George. Rob and Marie loved riding in the cars with us. We got to see the elephant grave yards from Lion King! Not really, but it looked like it.

Rob & Marie were the cookie and cooler Captains!

Once we dropped Rob and Marie off it was Erin and Brittany quality time.... for SIX MORE HOURS! We loved every second of it!

See we had so much fun!

I drove from St. George to Las Vegas. It was fun cause I got to see Arizona for the first time! As soon as we got into Vegas we stopped at In-n-Out fro burgers. It was pretty good! We strolled down the strip listening to some Blink 182. It was fun to be able ot say that I had been there. Not sure that I would go back though! LOL

Finally at 3:00 Mountain Time we made it to California. We still weren't to Erin's house but we had made alot of progress!

Yay! We made it! My first time to California!

Monday, November 17, 2008


This last weekend I went to Logan with my roommate Bryn! It was alot of fun. It all started on Friday. We dropped Erin off at the airport in Salt Lake and then headed up to Logan. On the way we stopped in Bountiful to visit with Kandice Coulter! It was fun getting to see her and her boys. They are growing up so fast. After our stop in Boutiful it was time to get back on the road! Once we finally got to Logan we went to see Tyler and Braden. It was awesome getting to hang out with them. Tyler had to make a banner for Special Olympics so we went to USU to help him trace the logo. Afterwards we went to Mama and Papa's to celebrate Cassidy's Birthday. (Cassidy is a girl in their ward) That night we stayed with Janet and her family. The boys absolutely loved Bryn! They wouldn't leave her alone. We had a blast.

On saturday we woke up to the boys jumping on our beds. Janet had to work so we hung out with the kids all day. After Janet got home we went to Pita Pit with Braden. We love Pita Pit! We ended the night while watching a movie at Janet's with Tyler and his girlfriend.

On Sunday we went to Church at Tyler's ward. The USU wards are alot different than BYU wards but it was still fun to go. After church we went over to Mama and Papa's. They talked with us and made us dinner! It was a nice relaxing weekend. Now I have to get to doing some homework before Thanksgiving next week!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to Blogger!

So I finally decided to get a blog. I'm am not exactly sure how to do anything on here but I am figuring it out! I'm sure it'll be fun to keep in touch with everyone once I figure it out!
