Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another Season, Another Sport

Now that football season has ended with a BYU win, we move onto the next sport, Basketball. I don't know as much about basketball but just love to watch any BYU sport. This past week I went to the season opener against UNLV. Last year that was the only home game that we lost. This year was a little different. We beat UNLV at home
77 - 73
. It was a close game but it was alot of fun. There were a ton of fans there and it got to be really loud at the end of the game. The next home game is against Colorado State and my guess is that we are going to win :)


I successfully completed another semester of my college career and went home to celebrate Christmas. Before I left I went t my roommate Bryn's wedding reception. That is the first big change of my semester. She was married in the Logan temple on December. A bunch of us got together and went to the reception in Payson that night. It was fun to see Bryn and Tyler but weird to be saying goodbye to my roommate. We are all getting older and changing. Bryn is the first one of us to get married. Congratulations Bryn and Tyler!

Before actually getting to go home there was a big snow storm in Maryland. This made my flight get delayed by 2 days. I was frustrated but it actually worked out. I got to take my friends to the airport and I got to spend the day with the Coulters. I got to meet little Zachary for the first time. He is so Cute! I just wanted to hold him the whole time I was there. Jackson and Tyler are getting so big. I hadn't seen them in a while and they both have to cutest personalities. It was a fun day and it helped me take my mind off of not going home.

My next big change was my bedroom. While I was away this semester my mom redid my bedroom. She said that since I was getting older I deserved a "Big Girl" room. So she painted it and bought me some new really cool stuff to decorate it. Here are the before and after pictures.



I absolutely love my new room. My Mom did a great job. It suits me perfectly.

The next change that I had over the break was that I got my Hair cut. I got alot of it cut actually. Probably about 6 or 7 inches. It is very different but I love it. It is so much easier to take care of and I can get ready so much faster in the morning.

I didn't take an actual before picture but here is what it looked like after I was done:


Me and my G-Ma!

Overall, It was a great break. I had a bunch of changes and am excited for the new semester. After this semester, only 2 more and I graduate! Can you believe it? I know I can't.

Finals Week... YUCK!

At the end of Winter semester, I had my worst week of finals yet. The week before finals I had 4 papers due so I couldn't use that time to get prepared for my finals. That meant that all of the studying and test taking was crammed into 5 days. It was a rough week. I was up late and woke up very early in the morning. I survived but there were some times that I thought that I might not. One day me, Kirsten, Alyssa, and Eric reserved a room in the Tanner Building to study by ourselves. It was in the new wing of the building and was really really nice. Here are a few pictures I took while we were "studying".

Kirsten, She's the most studious of all of us.

Alyssa, Probably laughing at facebook.
I'm on facebook too if you can't tell :)

Eric, taking pictures as well.

Even though it may not look like it, we actually did get alot of studying done!

The Life of a College Student

In college, especially at BYU, we tend to do some very random things. We are easily entertained and will find anything to do that will put off doing our homework. One night as we were sitting in out apartment chatting, we were eating some clementines. As someone peeled the clementine they noted that the peel looked like one of the states. As a result, Trent and I continued to make the whole United States out of Orange peels. Eric and Alyssa tried to make Europe but it didn't go so well :) It took us a very long time but it was alot of fun and ended up turning out to be really cool. (If I don't say so myself) Take a look....

Our Masterpiece!

These are what started it all

Oops... What about Hawaii?

There we go. Notice the point of the orange to show where DC is!

"Britt, you got your cam?"

I love football. I especially love BYU Football! I am not ashamed to say it either. I love learning all about it and watching it whenever. During the fall semester, my favorite thing to do is go to the home football games. I look forward to the games all week long. This year was an especially good season. We didn't go undefeated but the games were alot of fun to watch. As much as I love football, I have 5 roommates who HATE IT. This meant that when I bought my All-sports pass I got it with a group of guys. I am so glad that I did though. We tailgated for one game in the rain and just had fun hanging out during all the rest of the games. At the last home game of the season we played Utah (yuck). They are our big rivals so there were alot of people who showed up to see the game. During the game, my friend Jonny turned to me and said, hey Britt, you got your cam? we need some pics! These are the pictures that unfolded after that...

Albie and Trent!

Jonny, Skip and Brian

My Boys :)

The coin toss...

It started getting dark and then got very cold (can you tell?)

Half-Time Score.... we're winning!

Uh Oh! We're going into Overtime...

Sexy K and Chone were sitting behind us. (That's Kellen and Sean)


And the crowd goes wild

26 - 23 in Ovetime, Not a win by much, but a win none the less.

Gobble Gobble!

While I was in Logan I kept super busy. We did lots of fun things all week. We went to see Blind Side. What a great movie! I loved it. We ate at Pier 49 Pizza and just had fun hanging out. On my way up to Logan I picked up Mark from the airport. He flew in for the anniversary party and Thanksgiving. It was good to see him. and he brought some delicious treats from my mama! They were awesome!

I got to see Kylie play in one of her High School Basketball games. It was alot of fun. I can't believe how old she is getting.

After the High School game we went to an Aggie Basketball game. It was fun but I'll always be a Cougar!

Michael is getting so big too! They are all growing up so fast!

Johnny Lee!!

When i was in Logan for Halloween Osman got the Priesthood. He is such a good kid and alot of fun to hang out with. He is very smart and helps his Mom out around the house alot :)

Thanksgiving was so much fun. The Jacksons were so welcoming and I really felt like one of the family. For being far far away from home I felt right at home while I was there.

50 Years in the Making

Over Thanksgiving I was lucky enough to spend 9 days in Logan with my Utah family. I had a great time and it was a much deserved break. To kick off my break I helped Janet get ready for the 50th wedding anniversary she was throwing her parents. Mama and Papa have now been happily married for 50 years. I had so much fun pitching in and helping wherever I could. I learned some cool new recipes and just had a really good time at the party. They had lots of friends and family there to support them. Janet did a fabulous job planning the party.

Frankie Baby!!

The cool table decorations. Notice the Gold for 50 Years!!

Tyler and Johnny Lee (The happiest baby ever!)

Life is a Highway...

I haven't written in a VERY long time. I am always so busy and have a hard time making time for blogging. But, I decided to get everyone caught up on what has been happening in my life over the last few months. I wanted to start off with the purchase of my very first car!! I am now the proud owner of a 2006 Honda CR-V. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my car! Her name is Rhonda and she is my trusty companion to and from school everyday. It is so nice to have a car and to not have to beg for rides any more.

Along with the purchase of my new car came me signing my life away and also signing on to the biggest responsibility I've ever had. It is definitely worth it though :)

I wouldn't have my car if it weren't for Mark Jackson helping talk the guy down on the price. Thanks Mark!
