Saturday, December 6, 2008

Temple Square Trip

So today we planned a trip to Salt Lake to go christmas shopping and see temple square all lit up for Christmas. I am making dinner tomorrow night so I decided to try and get some of it made before we left for Salt Lake. My roommates asked if they could help me do anything so I gave them a couple of easy jobs. Alyssa was making the chicken and I asked Bryn to open a little can of cream of chicken soup. I even gave her the cans with the pop tops. Next thing I know, Bryn is screaming and blood is gushing out of her finger... Long story short: 1 hour later, a trip to urgent care, and three stitches then we are off to Salt Lake!

Her battle wound from performing the easiest task in the kitchen!

While we were in Salt Lake BYU was playing USU in basketball. BYU won, of course! We didn't go to the game but we loved the lights outside of the Energy Solutions Arena!

Aren't we so cute!!

Temple Square was packed but the lights were awesome. It was so pretty!

1 comment:

KennedyRose said...

Through a blog of a blog of a blog we found your blog! true but trying to be funny. Can we add you to our list? It was nice seeing you at Christmas time. I still hear about you being the best sitter the ward ever had. Its a shame you still aren't around. Good luck in school and keep at it. its worth it!
