Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Britt, you got your cam?"

I love football. I especially love BYU Football! I am not ashamed to say it either. I love learning all about it and watching it whenever. During the fall semester, my favorite thing to do is go to the home football games. I look forward to the games all week long. This year was an especially good season. We didn't go undefeated but the games were alot of fun to watch. As much as I love football, I have 5 roommates who HATE IT. This meant that when I bought my All-sports pass I got it with a group of guys. I am so glad that I did though. We tailgated for one game in the rain and just had fun hanging out during all the rest of the games. At the last home game of the season we played Utah (yuck). They are our big rivals so there were alot of people who showed up to see the game. During the game, my friend Jonny turned to me and said, hey Britt, you got your cam? we need some pics! These are the pictures that unfolded after that...

Albie and Trent!

Jonny, Skip and Brian

My Boys :)

The coin toss...

It started getting dark and then got very cold (can you tell?)

Half-Time Score.... we're winning!

Uh Oh! We're going into Overtime...

Sexy K and Chone were sitting behind us. (That's Kellen and Sean)


And the crowd goes wild

26 - 23 in Ovetime, Not a win by much, but a win none the less.

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