Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gobble Gobble!

While I was in Logan I kept super busy. We did lots of fun things all week. We went to see Blind Side. What a great movie! I loved it. We ate at Pier 49 Pizza and just had fun hanging out. On my way up to Logan I picked up Mark from the airport. He flew in for the anniversary party and Thanksgiving. It was good to see him. and he brought some delicious treats from my mama! They were awesome!

I got to see Kylie play in one of her High School Basketball games. It was alot of fun. I can't believe how old she is getting.

After the High School game we went to an Aggie Basketball game. It was fun but I'll always be a Cougar!

Michael is getting so big too! They are all growing up so fast!

Johnny Lee!!

When i was in Logan for Halloween Osman got the Priesthood. He is such a good kid and alot of fun to hang out with. He is very smart and helps his Mom out around the house alot :)

Thanksgiving was so much fun. The Jacksons were so welcoming and I really felt like one of the family. For being far far away from home I felt right at home while I was there.

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