Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Life of a College Student

In college, especially at BYU, we tend to do some very random things. We are easily entertained and will find anything to do that will put off doing our homework. One night as we were sitting in out apartment chatting, we were eating some clementines. As someone peeled the clementine they noted that the peel looked like one of the states. As a result, Trent and I continued to make the whole United States out of Orange peels. Eric and Alyssa tried to make Europe but it didn't go so well :) It took us a very long time but it was alot of fun and ended up turning out to be really cool. (If I don't say so myself) Take a look....

Our Masterpiece!

These are what started it all

Oops... What about Hawaii?

There we go. Notice the point of the orange to show where DC is!


Melinda said...

I can SO see you guys doing this!!!!

Melinda said...

Kind of like a sixth grade geography project...
